DAY 13...Routines...
This was a fairly simple one, my son, loves his breakfast and so every morning...he gets a breakfast. I chose to take a picture of his plate after his breakfast routine.
DAy 14...
Jewelry/Wedding ring...
I had the perfect opportunity to capture my wedding bands when my husband was feeding the baby and I wrapped my rings on his little toes and got to get in some practice. I played with my settings and he ate and all was well...Plus it made a cute picture!
Day 15... Kiss...
THis was a fun one because I got to make my little man give me lots of kisses for practice! we had fun and I have a whole set of pictures that I could add along with this one, but I won't this time... We positioned ourselves as close to the window as we could and tried to capture the natural light coming in...I like the warmness of the picture. Maybe next picture, I will dress up a little more...ha.