Saturday, February 5, 2011

The joy of LOVE...week one!

So, I have enlisted in a photography class for the month of February...It is called "the JOY of LOVE" and it is meant for practice of course, as well as, rediscovering all the ones that I love! Great class for February! We just finished up week one and I have taken 5 pictures...One for each day. I plan to update my pics once a week or so on my blog so I am not overwhelmed with doing it if a mother of 2 really has tonz of time to sit on the computer to update...

Day one...What they do...I chose to show a picture of what my boys "do" ...Carsen usually sleeps while Colten usually plays...

Day 2...How they look...Since both my boys look just alike, I chose to use the shot of them sitting together on the floor together with the same expression on their faces! rather cute i must add...

ok so for DAy 3...

Now and Then was the theme for the day...I chose to be symbolic in my picture...So, back then, when I first met chris, he was a "LOGGER"...he worked his summers Logging in Alaska and spend his school days in college residential treeworking. The man loved to climb trees! He was practically born to do I took a picture of his infamous chainsaw! He loves it! and for the NOW picture...I chose to take some of his uniform garb that he wears now to show what he does now. He is in law enforcement so he uses handcuffs as well as wears a hat, a much different career choice from treework, but he still serves his community...just in a different way!

I am proud of him no matter what!

Day 4...What they wear...

I got super lucky this day, chris decided to go hunting so i took a pic of him in his winter get-up...i love his parka and i love the picture i took of him...

Day 5...What annoys you about them...

I had to laugh at this one because there are tons of things i could've posted about....for example, the laundry that lies all over the floor, or the dishes that sit in the sink for days...but then I would be talking about myself...So i chose to take a picture of the one thing that annoys me and that I don't do and that usually ends up in me yelling..." Colten...why did you put your toys right in the middle of the hallway!" ...
and who's with me on this one when I say..."ouch"...Thank goodness this was just a prop and not the actual toys that i step on!
Ok, so in a few more days, i will post up some more from "the JOY of LOVE" photography class...

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